These are some of the biggest pet peeves we have in group discussions. Gasp! We despise:
- Saying “Never mind” or even better “It’s not important”
- Unable to transition from one conversation into another
- Speakers interrupting or talking over each other
- When an instructor is writing on the board with their back turned and talking at the same time
- Mumbling
- Labels as Deaf and Dumb.
- Assumptions that we are not listening or not smart enough
- People have selective hearing
- Instructors or presenters who don’t have notes or a transcription available for class
- Be misinterpreted and misunderstood
- We get lost in translation
- Background noise or harsh echoing environments
- Bad table layout and seating in meeting areas, conference rooms, and lecture halls
As a Deaf or Hard of Hearing individual, what are your biggest pet peeves regarding group discussions? Let us know, we want to hear from you!