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A Visual Podcast that’s all about including individuals who are Hard of Hearing or who are Deaf in conversations.

Featured Episode:

All About Inclusion with the founder/CEO of 2axend, Corey Axelrod, a deaf-owned strategic planning and training company is featured in our latest VüCast episode with Rose Collins, Vü’s Marketing Director.

What is Inclusion and How Do We Make it Happen – Join us for an insightful interview with Corey Axelrod, founder of 2axend, a deaf-owned strategic consulting and training firm that connects you with the insight, tools and strategies to improve Deaf and hard of hearing individuals communication experiences.

Accessibility: no music, only captions show on the screen. ASL interpreter provided.

Corey Axelrod’s website:

Brice Christianson’s website:

Outline: timings are approximate

Introduction to Corey Axelrod and 2axend. 1:50

Corey’s definition of inclusion and accessibility. 4:55

The common denominator is engaging deaf and hard of hearing individuals as a part of their own accessible experiences. 7:03

What were some of the challenges you encountered while you were an employee? 11:06

Corey’s training on “Bringing Your Best Self”. 14:54

Is it all on the company to make this happen? 17:27

There needs to be a better understanding within the deaf and hard of hearing community of the range of micro-aggressions. 22:09

What’s this going to cost me? 24:34

How do we shift away from just focusing on I but also embracing accessibility as part of the overall conversation?

About the Vü

Vü is a disability owned, woman-owned company offering patented smart tech to make communication accessible and inclusive for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to join the conversation with the hearing world.

Vü was created because Communication is Not an option. It’s a necessity!  Learn more about our flagship product here:

Follow us on our journey to include Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals in every conversation. Together we can create a new beginning for people with hearing loss.

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