Written by Gloria Matthews When I first had my son, many were concerned about how I would hear him cry in the middle of the night and how I would be able to hear something go wrong and how would I be able to tell if he is sick....
Vü in the News
Vü blog.
‘Tis the Season
‘Tis the Season: Connecting during COVID by Gloria M. Matthews It’s that time of the year when friends and families usually get together to celebrate the Christmas season. Unfortunately, due to COVID, gatherings are now a growing source for the increasing cases across...
Review of Sonic Bomb Jr from Sonic Alert
an (Sonic BoomProduct Review: Sonic Bomb Jr. (SBJ525ss) www.sonicalert.com I have been a long-time user of Sonic Alert’s products. As technology has expanded and advanced, so has the products for those with hearing loss. In the past, I have used the Original Sonic...
VüNews – Celebrating the Season!
Love to save on holiday gifts? Here’s in-demand items at unbeatable savings -shop for everything you need on eBay! Click here to get your savings: https://tinyurl.com/getmesavings. Vü is a member of the eBay Partner Network and earns a small commission from purchases...
Vü in the news.
Vü Named End Of Year Pitch Battle Winner
From startupgrind | Rochester, NY: Congrats to Alexandra Cartier from VU LLC for taking the win! Kudos to all the founders who presented, including our honorable mention – Dave Heimbuch, Hidrent. And thanks to you for attending and supporting our startups!