
Vü News – September

September is suicide awareness month. Sadly, we don’t always know the depths of someone’s depression until it is too late.

And September is also Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness Month. #hearingloss #hearinglossawareness

People with hearing loss experience higher rates of depression because they can’t follow the conversation and often withdraw from the activity. About 80% of adults who could benefit from hearing aids don’t use them.

This especially affects older adults with age related hearing loss. You may know them – the ones that nod their heads and smile. Reach out to them and have a real conversation.

And for video chats, use Google Meet – it has CC built-in so they can automatically read what you say. You may even find CC helpful too!

What we’re working on this month and next:

-Testing prototype device/app for android phones

-Building iphone app

-Announcing eBay Partner affiliation and building affiliate partnerships

-Participating in National Walk4Hearing

-Starting voice recordings.  If you are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, we invite you to record your voice to help us improve our voice technology. Just click on the link.

-Planning Vu Cast and other social integration to connect with our community

Stay tuned for more exciting announcements.